Avoid These Things That Attract Insects And Rodents To Your House
Nobody enjoys having an infestation of pests or rodents in their home. The good news is that these pests are all attracted to virtually the same things, so making changes in and around the property can greatly reduce the chances of infestation.
Take notes because these upcoming conditions have pests and rodents flocking to make a permanent residence.
A Dirty Grill Attracts More Than One Pest

A dirty grill is sure to attract a whole lot of pests. While using the outdoor appliance, flies, wasps, and ants are attracted to the smells, so it is important to clean it after each use.
If a grill isn't cleaned for a while, people are bound to see rats and mice in their yard, as they are attracted to the leftover food residue and grease.
Termites Love Wet Basements

A wet or even damp basement is one way to ensure an insect infestation. The increased humidity caused by the water will have unwanted critters flocking to the warmth from outside.
One such insect is a termite, which can lead to a whole lot of structural damage if people aren't careful.
Silverfish and Cockroaches Love High-Humidity Bathrooms

Poorly ventilated bathrooms are a favorite place amongst insects such as silverfish and cockroaches, as they love dwelling in overly humid areas.
Some things to keep in mind are leaky pipes, slow drains, and even windowless rooms, all of which will have these two species flocking to make a home.
Indoor-Outdoor Pets Can Bring In Pests

Pets might be cute and part of the family, but they can also unknowingly (or knowingly) bring insects and rodents into the house. While medication can relieve them of fleas and ticks, other insects have zero issues hitching a ride and making their way into the house.
Cats also enjoy bringing "gifts" to their humans in the form of rodents. It's just something to keep in mind!
Not Bagging Your Trash And Recyclables

One of the easiest ways to ensure an insect and rodent infestation is not properly bagging trash and recyclables before putting them into their respective bins.
On top of that, many people forget to wash out their bins. Even the smell of leftover trash will attract rats and various insects.
Overgrown Lawns And Poor Landscaping Is The Perfect Home

It is no secret that various insects and rodents like their cover from the rest of the world, especially if they can make a solid home. Because of this, it is important to keep lawns and other landscaping properly maintained.
Otherwise, people might find the lawn critters eventually finding their way into the house.
Check Window Screens To Ensure There Are No Holes

While window screens might be the last thing on people's minds, it is important to check them every so often.
If there are holes or the screen is bent with a tiny gap between it and the window, it is easy for bugs to find their way into the house.
Clogged Rain Gutters Are An Easy Source Of Water For Insects

There are several reasons why people clean leaves and other debris from their rain gutters. One reason is to prevent insects and snakes from making a home on the roofline since moist leaves make an easy source of water.
If insects and snakes are left alone to breed in the gutters and drains, it can lead to structural damage to the roof.
Keeping Produce On The Kitchen Counter Can Attract Fruit Flies

While a lot of produce doesn't necessarily need to be stored in the refrigerator, there is a little issue with storing them on the counter. Ripe fruit has a pesky habit of attracting fruit flies.
One way to manage fruit flies is to eat the produce before it becomes overly ripe and then dispose of any peels properly in the trash.
A Dirty Kitchen Is Pretty Much A Buffet

A dirty kitchen, dishes, countertops, and sinks are a feeding ground for all types of rodents and insects. Why? No matter how small, leftover food particles will attract all kinds of critters, as it is pretty much a buffet.
To ensure an insect and rodent-free home, clean dishes after every meal and wipe down every countertop, even the sink.
Open Garage Doors Are An Easy Entry Point

People should think twice before leaving their garage doors open for extended periods of time. Various rodents and insects will see the open door and run straight in, finding it to be a nice warm place to nest and make a home.
Not to say people should keep their garage door shut at all times, but leaving it open for hours on end is a bad idea.
Porch Lights Attract A Lot Of Bugs

Porch lights and even landscaping lawn lights attract bugs such as moths, and pesky insects that will make their way into the house if someone opens the door and doesn't close it fast enough.
A better option is to have motion-sensor lights that will only turn on when something much larger than a moth walks by the house.
Roof Damage Attracts Rodents To The Attic

The attic is a warm and comforting spot for rodents such as mice, rats, birds, and bats to nest and breed, as they are protected and out of harm's way.
Sadly, if this happens, it means there is damage to the roof of the house, such as missing shingles, gaps, or holes, allowing the rodents to squeeze their way through and make it their home.
Firewood Attracts A Lot Of Insects

In the wilderness, many insects find a home within trees. So, it would only make sense that having a stack of firewood inside the house will attract insects.
While indoor firewood next to the fireplace might look pretty, it is a better and smarter option to leave it outdoors, at least 50 feet away from the house, to keep pests away.
Worn Or Missing Door Sweeps Allow For Easy Entry

Door sweeps are a great way to keep insects and small rodents out of the house. So, keep an eye on them to ensure they aren't worn down or missing.
To find shelter, pests will make their way under a door and quickly infest a home, something no one wants to happen.
Uncovered Chimneys Are A Great Way To Get Unwelcomed Pests

Sticking out from the roof and away from prying eyes, chimneys are an easy entry point for rodents such as raccoons, bats, squirrels, and even curious birds.
To keep these unwelcomed guests away, people should install a mesh chimney cap, checking it each season to ensure it hasn't been tampered with by something trying to get inside.
Disorganized Clutter Makes For A Great Nest

A disorganized house full of clutter is a magnificent nesting and breeding ground for insects and pests. Silverfish and dust mites love the tight and humid spaces between piles of books, paper, and overall random items.
While small rodents such as squirrels and rats love empty boxes to nest in and call home.
Water Damage Is A Feast For Some Insects

Even after the pipes are fixed, water damage on drywall and wood can become a feeding ground for insects. Silverfish and especially termites love to create more damage by eating the already deteriorating wall.
To ensure these insects don't get a chance to infest a house and eat, it is helpful to repair any water-related damage right away.
Bird Seed Is Just Asking For Unwanted Pests

Insects and rodents can smell food from a mile away, so it isn't smart to leave bird seed bags or pet food bags close to the house. Make sure they are properly stored in air-tight containers, or mice, rats, and various bugs will surely find their way inside.
Also, make sure pet bowls are left inside and bird feeders are far enough away from the house, so pests don't begin infesting the yard.
Mice And Bugs Can Squeeze Through Any Small Structural Gap

According to Pointe Pest Control, all a mouse needs to wiggle its way into a house is a gap the size of a dime. And that's an adult mouse! Young mice can squeeze through even smaller spaces.
Stink bugs are also likely to gain entry into a home through cracks and crevices. These gaps can be in the siding of a house, the roof, or even a space under the door!